Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024 — Brochure


Yes, the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2024 saw Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) signed for 41,299 projects with investment proposals worth Rs 26.33 lakh crore12. These investments are in emerging sectors like semi-conductors, e-mobility, green hydrogen, and renewable energy1.

If we also consider the MoUs signed at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS) that was to be organized in 2022 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 98,540 MoUs with investment proposals worth more than Rs 45 lakh crore were inked34.

This achievement is seen as a historic feat for Gujarat4. The summit, with ‘Gateway to the Future’ as its theme, aims to help realize the prime minister’s dream to achieve ‘Developed India @2047’4.



India Song Music

Indian music is incredibly diverse, reflecting the country's rich cultural heritage and vast regional variations. It encompasses classical, folk, devotional.